Category: Catch Up

Catch up

I’ve been so busy, but I miss my little blog.

I’m currently fostering two little kittens, Burger and King.  They are a handful, but the payoff is seeing these little faces everyday.


I’m riding my bike everyday.  The above picture was taken after I had gotten home from a 25+ mile day.

My book club took a mini summer hiatus, but we reconvene tomorrow night– can’t wait!

This bitch is back.

Oof.  I had to refocus and reevaluate my life for a bit there.  The catalyst for my taking a break from the blog was also that of other changes in my life.  And for others, it was synchronicity.

Some news:

I gave notice of my last day at my job.  I don’t have another job lined up, but it is just something I know I need to do.

I got an internship this summer with a reusable menstrual product company doing community outreach and event planning.  It is unpaid, but I feel strongly about the networking opportunities.

Within a day of each other, my family experienced two deaths of very sweet people that had me feeling a little sad and homesick.

I joined a second book group that has me spending a great deal of time reading.  No complaints here!

As a gift, my brother is purchasing our flights back home for his wedding.  The catch (if you consider it to be one) is that we should use the money we saved for airfare to open an IRA.  Andrew and I have been taking about retirement saving for a while, but it was really hard to make it a reality while rubbing nickels together.  Now I’m just shoveling through a bunch of that research to make heads or tails.  Glad to get that ball rolling, though!

I am researching business schools and committing to getting an MBA.  GMAT studying to commence ASAP.

Andrew got a third part-time job so we are no worse off than before so I can heave a sigh of relief about quitting my job.

This song is my anthem right now.